0800 999 4494 

Types of Courses 

First Aid 

All organisations must ensure by law that they have a sufficient number of employees who possess a first aid qualification in order to fulfil their first aid needs at all times. 

Personal License Holders & Customer Service 

The law requires alcohol sales on licensed premises to be made or authorised by a personal licence holder. Individuals applying for a personal licence must hold a regulated licensing qualification such as the Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders (QCF). 

Fire Safety 

General fire safety in England and Wales is maintained through compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The legislation implements a risk-based approach to fire safety in community, industrial and business premises. 

Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

Our Health, Safety and Wellbeing courses have been created to assist businesses in managing the health and wellbeing of their employees and also promoting a positive health and safety culture. 

Manual Handling 

Manual handling injuries are the main cause of lost working days in the UK. These occur due to sprains and strains resulting from the incorrect lifting and movement of objects.