0800 999 4494 

Manual handling - Half day 

Half day course covering both manual handling theory and practical. 
This half day course is an introduction to moving and handling activities for those starting work, returning to work or who need specific training in manual handling, as well as being a suitable course for refresher training. Learners gaining completing this course will understand that moving and handling must be carried out correctly and will recognise its importance in ensuring a safer working environment.  
Course Duration : Half day 
Half day course including practical assessment 
The qualification is assessed by practical assessment. 
All successful students will be issued with a certificate 
All candidates receive comprehensive course materials including a book. 
Course Content 
Our courses contain a classroom based learning mixed with hands-on practical activities. 
Course Completion 
Successful candidates will receive a full colour A4 certificate. 
The refresher training is stronly recommended every 12 months.