0800 999 4494 

Courses in Central London - Coming Soon! 

In addition to our on-site courses we now run courses in both our Telford Training Centre and also Central London 
To view dates for courses in Central London and to book and pay online please click the following link: 
For on-site courses or to discuss your requirements please call us on 0800 9994494 or email info@positivesafetytraining.co.uk 


Training venue address 
Browns Restaurant Covent Garden 
82-84 St. Martins Lane 
Covent Garden 
Browns is conveniently located a 4 minute walk away from Covent Garden tube station and just a 2 minute walk from Leicester Square Station. 
Our full day courses held at Browns include lunch as well as tea, coffee and refrehsments throughout the day. Half day courses include tea, coffee and refreshments. 

Getting here 

From Leicester Square Tube Station 
Walk north on Charing Cross Road A400 towards Little Newport Street 
Turn right onto Great Newport Street 
Turn right onto St Martin's Lane B404 
From Covent Garden Tube Station 
Walk south-west on Long Acre B402 towards Langley Street 
Turn left onto St Martin's Lane B404 
On Arrival at Browns 
Upon entering the restaurant you will be directed to the training room where you will be met with a warm welcome, tea, coffee and biscuits!